Get your Reko for those straight putts and approaches, or give it a little hyzer on drives and watch it turn over gently. A true go-to putter and a staple in many player’s bags.
Reko has a comfortable rounded profile and a smooth bead, which fits most players’ hands. Easy to grip and easy to throw. It features a strengthened shoulder which adds a little extra durability compared to the average putter. Reko is Swedish for good, reliable or decent. The world needs more Reko.
Suitable for: Putts, approaches and hyzer-flip drives.
New plastic K1 Soft is similar to K1, but more flexy and grippy. Just as with K1, our new plastic will come in both translucent and solid colors.
X-Out discs may have minor flaws such as stain, discoloration etc,  that have been noticed in quality control. They come with unique look at a bargain price. X-Out’s are usually double stamped and stamps vary on the disc.
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